On Valentine’s Day, Sarah and the Sundays took a break from opening for The Happy Fits to put on a special concert in their hometown. Fans of the up and coming band gathered at Empire Control Room to celebrate love, music, and their favorite band!
The opener Olive Vox was a huge hit with the crowd. The band was so lively, throwing out guitar picks, making jokes and since Empire is such an intimate venue, they were able to talk to the audience and had a really good time messing around and playing good music. They got the crowd hyped and ready for the main performance.
Dedicated fans welcomed Sarah and the Sundays, and you could feel the love we all shared for them. Lead singer Liam Yorgensen came out in an iconic bright red dress and fishnets, which everyone cheered for. They played 3 or 4 songs off their unreleased album which had a much more hard guitar and rock feel before switching to their hits like “I’m So Bored” and “Vices” and their most recent album, The Living End. The contrast between what’s coming next for them and their older more indie stuff was exciting to hear. I can’t wait for them to release this new album! Further into the show, they even dedicated a song to one of the fans! She was invited on stage and serenaded by the band and the crowd. They finished with “Pulling Teeth”, but of course no one wanted them to go. The audience cheered until they came out again to play for us a little bit more. They surprised us by playing a cover of “Love Story” by Taylor Swift in honor of Valentine’s Day and finished off with their biggest song, “Moving On”.
Austin crowds are always so welcoming and energetic and with the dedicated fans around Sarah and the Sundays, the concert was incredible. You could tell that the energy of the audience got the band more and more excited as the set went on and by the end, everyone was rocking out and having a great time. Their fame is really taking off so I hope they will be back in Austin soon headlining their own tour!