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Rocking The Night Away to Celebrate 30 Years of Fastball

Austin Underground

Updated: Jun 17, 2024

By Michelle Thorpe

Fastball knew “The Way” to flourish their band over the past three decades. To celebrate their success, on May 9th, Parish hosted the 30th anniversary concert for Fastball. As soon as the doors opened, Parish was filled with fans longing to listen, dance, and sing their hearts out to songs from albums like All the Pain Money Could Buy, The Harsh Light of Day, and The Help Machine. This remarkable show acknowledges Fastball’s many accomplishments: multiple music videos, successful tours, eight studio albums, and two Grammy nominations. It was a night that Austin, TX did not want to miss. 

Before the show began, I met Rick, a man over the age of 60 who has been following the band since they started in 1994. Rick explained how important Fastball is to him because he finds Fastball’s music unique and  different from what he grew up with. You could see the thrill Fastball gave him. Once Rick knew Fastball was celebrating their anniversary at Parish, he knew he had to attend to show his endless support. I also had the honor of meeting the songwriters and lead singers of Fastball, Tony and Miles. We discussed their favorite memories from the past thirty years, their struggles, the process of writing their hit song “The Way,” and what to expect from their upcoming album, Sonic Ranch, in June. 

Fastball’s concert was spectacular! The lighting, dancing, personal chats with the crowd, and enthusiasm brought the show to life. Fastball took the stage promptly at nine o’clock and began the concert with a bang, playing their iconic song “Firescape.” From the look of the crowd, it was obvious that everyone knew each song and wanted more. “Out of My Head,” “You’re an Ocean,” “I’d Rather Be Me Than You,” “I Will Never Let You Down,” and “On and On” were just a handful of the twenty songs played. The reaction to each song was like a child opening gift after gift on Christmas morning– excited, joyful, and never wanting it to end. Fastball played their hit song, "The Way,” followed by two encore songs, “Daydream” and “Sooner or Later.” It was the perfect way to end the night. 

The increasing yells, dancing, and applause from the audience throughout the night made it seem as if we had all just gone back in time to when we were first introduced to Fastball, returning to the enjoyment it brought us, the connections to certain songs, and what it felt like to be young again. We, the audience, had just lived our younger selves’ dream of seeing Fastball live. I highly encourage you to go see Fastball in concert and check out their upcoming album, Sonic Ranch, this June 2024. You will not want to miss this experience! 

-Michelle Thorpe  


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